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Browse the latest pics from all over the world:
The Netherlands

The Netherlands

Voorst.strange day with clouds and longlasting rainbow

Nampa Idaho

Nampa Idaho

My neighbors still calls this normal. I give up trying to convince them.

Chemtrail land of Florida

Chemtrail land of Florida

N.ew World Order nitwits spraying poison with your tax dollars. In aircraft that barely functions properly.

The Netherlands – Hengelo – 12-06-2024 at 18:44h

The Netherlands – Hengelo – 12-06-2024 at 18:44h

These skies are happening since october 2023 and lots of rain. About 15 a 20 years ago there were a lot of more blue skies in The Netherlands, haven't seen a real clear sky since ages. Every morning starts with sun then around noon is getting greyer and little bit sun...



This has to stop. People, please look up. I have so many of these photos.

Nampa Idaho

Nampa Idaho

My lungs burn from this every time I go outside

Fernley Nevada

Fernley Nevada

You would think with the way the wind blows out here it wouldn’t be a problem but it is.

Spokane, WA – Please make it stop

Spokane, WA – Please make it stop

They are causing us harm. Day after day they fly back and forth, back and forth over Spokane spraying innocent men, women and children with Lord knows what. Without our consent. This is a crime on a massive scale.

Not Again!

Not Again!

What are they poisoning us with now?



Chemtrails seen from a castle which is an important cultural property. A plane is spraying in parallel at above the center of the chemtrail.

Poison in the sky

Poison in the sky

When is DeSantis going to follow suit and ban chemtrails like Tennessee did?

South Alabama

South Alabama

THIS IS NOT NORMAL!! Will this ever stop? South Alabama

RINO led SC LOVES chemtrails

RINO led SC LOVES chemtrails

Multi-week poisonings over Greenville,SC and no one cares (at least not in Govt or law enforcement)

Y America Y?

Y America Y?

Atlanta, Georgia Jube 8, 2024 at noon

Y America Y?

Y America Y?

Atlanta, Georgia June 8, 2024 at noon

Perfect Day Foiled

Perfect Day Foiled

It would have been a perfectly sunny day if not for the chemtrailers.

Sacramento, CA 4-5 days a week

Sacramento, CA 4-5 days a week

Zoom in on 2nd one at dusk. Plane coming from right side spraying dark chemicals. In vid I took darker chemicals magically turned to the typical whiter ones.

The netherlands

The netherlands

Her in the Netherlands always busy with making strange weathers

Double barrel

Double barrel

Central Coast, NSW, Australia. June 5th 2024

Chemtrails over Fairbanks Alaska

Chemtrails over Fairbanks Alaska

This is getting worst and worst and affecting people’s health. It’s constant! We are usually at 75 degrees and we have only hit it once so far this summer. The first video is after 5 planes went over and then these 5 I think drones flew in its path

South Wales 8am June 3

South Wales 8am June 3

Early coverage here today Wales UK, been a total obliteration since. Cold & no sun.

Ashtead, Surrey UK

Ashtead, Surrey UK

6.00am in mid May the clear blue sky was had two massive white tears in it!

Death from the sky

Death from the sky

3 of my government representatives played dumb could not inform me of any information about this attack on our skie and air!

Tampa Fl

Tampa Fl

Poison in the skies on Memorial Day weekend in Tampa Fl area.

May 21, 2024

May 21, 2024

It was a spectacular day until the planes started spraying us

Lake District UK

Lake District UK

I've noticed more and more chemtrails in the Lake District since 2021. Each time we have a rare clear morning with blue sky, chemtrails are being sprayed until the sky has got a white haze blocking the sun rays. So annoying and depressing! People here believe it's...




No !

No !

Stright lines forming ’clouds’

Wiltshire 7am

Wiltshire 7am

Lots this morning and a weird rainbow.



Chemtrail 10. may 2024

Chemtails Thursday May 9th

Chemtails Thursday May 9th

We have no say and the damage it’s causing will be catastrophic! And more taxes due to climate change !

Surrey UK

Surrey UK

Clear blue sky start. Very heavy spraying started.

Pendleton Oregon

Pendleton Oregon

Chem trails are real. Do your research. Look up. Pay attention. Spread the word!